musica innova 1.5.
History and development
musica innova was founded in 2008 as a forum for supporting innovative and interdisciplinary music projects.
First phase: 2008 to 2015
During the first few years, musica innova was a small team and supported various cultural projects initiated by composer and artist Helge Burggrabe, which included:
- German TV channel ZDF’s cultural service in Jerichow monastery (2009), among others with the Wernigerode chamber choir and Hamburg Opera’s solo cellist, Olivia Jeremias.
- There were also performances of Burggrabe’s JEHOSCHUA in Bremen Cathedral, in Cologne Cathedral and in the Cathedral of Chartres and other places (2009-2012) with soloists, choirs and orchestras (including the Cologne Cathedral’s vocal ensemble, Göttingen’s Baroque Orchestra and the Resonanz Ensemble).
- Other events were performances of KONZERTEN DER STILLE (2013) in Heidelberg and Marbach (with artist CARISMO) and in the Pantheon in Rome (with actress Martina Gedeck and the Harvestehude Chamber Choir),
- the JERICHOWER KLOSTERNÄCHTE (2013-2018), with songwriter Gerhard Schöne and theologian Friedrich Schorlemmer,
- the WASSERKONZERT (2013) in Kappel (CH) with pianist Claus Bantzer and WasserKlangProjektionen by Alexander Lauterwasser.
- Then there was the premiere of LUX IN TENEBRIS at Hildesheim Cathedral (2015) with Dommusik Hildesheim, Elbtonal Percussion and actress Martina Gedeck.
Second phase: since 2016
In order to open up the association to all those interested in the combination of art and spirituality, musica innova’s board decided to amend the statutes: since spring 2016, anyone can become a member who wishes to directly support the ideas of the association and be part of the network.
Since 2016, the association’s support has focused on performances of STELLA MARIS in Chartres, Speyer and Meissen as well as HAGIOS concerts conducted by Helge Burggrabe, which 15,000 visitors took part in at more than 50 venues in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
One of musica innova’s new priorities is to give support to cultural project HUMAN, which deals with human rights and will premiere in Brussels in November 2020.
Since 2017, all members have been invited to an annual meeting to discuss our vision. This encourages people to interact on current issues and ideas we could support. The annual general meeting takes place during this event.